Dr Millicent Stone speaking into a mike whilst creating her podcast.

© Oscar Ryan

Welcome to Live Longer: The Podcast

Have you ever wondered how to live a longer, healthier life? I am Millie, a Professor, author and co-founder of iOWNA (a mobile health app). My purpose in life is to help people answer this question and enable them to live longer, healthier lives. This is at the centre of everything that I do.

Aside from the provision of excellent medicine and adopting a healthy lifestyle, I put art, nature and healing into the mix for the holy grail of achieving health and wellness. Join me as I delve into the different ways to achieve this, by speaking to a range of people from all walks of life, to explore their perspectives, and share their tips on how to live a longer, healthier life. From artists to gardeners, they all have something interesting to add to the conversation!

In my first series, The Art of Healthy Longevity, I share the wisdom of artists and people who love art.
In my second series I will explore the Art of Living and try to unravel how individuals with a creative background live life to the full and help others with their creative endeavours -from surgeons to patients what is it that is the secret to the art of living a longer healthier lif

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Surviving and Thriving

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What is our future health

Podcast Reviews

Unknown26 October 2022
I wanted to say thank you to Dr Stone for bearing the the impatient patient. I hope she keeps those great podcasts going and I am very grateful for her energy, focus and guidance.
Unknown6 October 2022
Ashley Pawson: Great podcast. Raises a really important point on the lack of support available for service people as they leave the forces
Fiona M
Fiona M31 October 2021
I have been dipping into your podcasts and really enjoying them. Just ordered Fergus Shanahan's book and have been a fan of Tim Spector for ages. Congratulations on the podcast- you are amazing!
Sundar28 September 2021
Sarah Stenning: I found Sarah such a self effacing inspirational, kind and brave woman. She is a rock despite her health problems and an example to us. May she be healed and live a long healthy life.
Gail Orgias
Gail Orgias23 September 2021
Marilyn Stafford - Such an amazing (and modest) woman - who inspires through her passion telling stories with her camera. Many incredible opportunities- which she took (loved the coincidence with the Indian writer)& which led her to so many places & memorable images. It is one of the most fascinating talks I have ever heard (and she continues to take photographs & exhibit).
Mike Sutton
Mike Sutton7 August 2021
Masoud Teimory: Inspirational! A life affirming insight into how an inquisitive nature and passion for artistic pursuits can overcome adversity and difficult circumstances throughout life. A lesson for us all about having a generous response to those around us.
Sundar Walker
Sundar Walker6 August 2021
Sarah Muirhead-Allwood:I was fascinated by Sarah's descriptions of photography in India. She gets to the grips in her depiction of life in India with both the atmosphere and the characters. Equally her work in orthopaedics specialising in hip surgery has the same precision as her photographic work.
Katherine28 July 2021
I’ve been listening to Live Longer The Podcast and really enjoy the format. Lisa Butcher’s was extremely moving, I loved Emma’s too and found Masoud completely fascinating – what an eclectic career journey he’s had. Remarkable. I love the tone and pace of them and the familiarity you have with each person: that connection really works nicely.
Ian1 August 2021
Your podcasts are world class.
Sundar23 July 2021
Please let me congratulate you for making this series. There is so much diversity and so much choice in the podcasts that I would listen again and again. What a great job you have done despite being a busy Consultant!
Chris W
Chris W23 July 2021
What a wonderful interview! Paul Monaghan was very impressive and your questions encouraged him to talk about really interesting aspects of his design and architectural approach to such important social projects. I thought it was very inspiring. well done!
Mike11 May 2021
Thank you Prof. Spector and Dr. Stone for another very interesting podcast. It really emphasised the need for a highly personalised approach to health and longevity. One size does not fit all and the number of variables to be considered for good health are so enormous that generalised advice is not going to be the answer. Perhaps this approach should be covered in our national schools curriculum. I think that personal knowledge and awareness is the key and your podcast helps to spread the word.
Marilyn S
Marilyn S7 July 2021
Masoud Teimory - Interesting to learn from the podcast that photographers live longer than poets, fascinating considering the weight of all the equipment they drag around....good heart attack material. Loved your podcast! Interesting to see how in many ways we had parallel views about the times we were living in.
Rosemary Hartigan
Rosemary Hartigan23 March 2021
Thank you - this sounds like an amazing project. Plenty to pick from too. Thanks again. It's a great collaboration.
Chris Nolan
Chris Nolan23 March 2021
How interesting! Sounds fab. Thanks Millicent.
Lorna5 May 2021
Wendy Rolt: Very enlightening view of art and wellbeing, particularly in relation to how women view themselves.
Dan27 June 2021
I’ve been enjoying the podcast, especially Tim Spector, whose book I’ve been reading. Graham was a hoot; sorry he can’t drink any longer, because I’d like to have a pint with him sometime.
Putney Commoner
Putney Commoner28 March 2021
Just listened to the interview with Christopher Wilkinson. Simply a beautiful and wise expression of the interface between art and the practice of creating living and working spaces. I highly recommend it.
Gavin Jennings
Gavin Jennings11 April 2021
Donald Sammut Interview: Excellent and well researched podcast. You do not need to be either a surgeon nor artist to find the synergy described herein quite fascinating. Thoroughly enjoyed.
Listener15 June 2021
Penny Horne Interview: What a wonderful and inspiring podcast! Sharing your wisdom and creativity will benefit so many people
Mike Sutton
Mike Sutton27 April 2021
I really enjoyed your chat with Prof. Adrian Furnham. The conversation showed how important the psychological effects are for health and wellbeing. Lots to think about there.
Kirsten29 April 2021
Adrian Furnham Interview: A super interview with a very interesting and knowledgeable individual. I loved that Adrian suggested focussing on one's strength rather than fix weaknesses. I also liked his thoughts on personality and intelligence. It was so well explained.
Lorna10 May 2021
Tim Spector: Fascinating, I have come across his work before and is always informative and inspiring. Great to know he takes his own advice!
Stephanie Khiara
Stephanie Khiara28 May 2021
Tim Spector: I found this episode so interesting. I think it will help me enormously with my approach to eating and sugar cravings. I have both books on order!
Listener15 June 2021
An excellent podcast. Penny's passion for how and what she has achieved and how others can move forward was put across with a lot of helpful direction

Hand in Hand with iOWNA

iOWNA is a digital healthcare platform co-founded by Professor Millicent Stone with the mission to enable people to live longer, healthier lives. The app allows clinicians to share trusted guidance in a patient friendly format to help improve clinical outcomes so people can live longer, healthier lives. iOWNA was inspired by her own experience as a mother of a very ill child as she discovered the importance of having the right information at the right time, which helped her daughter survive.
Content curated by doctors, for clinicians to give to patients

Cambridge students get an amazing degree; the Changemakers programme helps them ask more powerful questions about what they are going to really do with that experience, and what success means in the era we live in. Combining a focus on both attributes and practical wisdom, the programme centres on global citizenship, leadership, enterprise, selfhood and sustainable futures, and tools for changemaking. The Homerton Changemakers programme takes the form of regular workshops and intensive residentials, online modules, lectures, mentoring, coaching and a student ambassador scheme.

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